TuriGen 10 (Turinabol) 10 mg / tab – 50 tabs – MyoGen


Availability: In Stock
TuriGen has a practically identical “backbone” to the Dianabol . This product provides the same effects but without water retention or aromatization. The ultimate product for a quality mass gain.
  • Laboratory: MyoGen,
  • Form: Oral,
  • Molecule: Chlordehydromethyltestosterone,
  • Concentration: 10mg / pill,
  • Presentation: 50 pills,
  • Recommended dosage: 50-60 mg / day for 6-8 weeks / day


  • Strength: 5/5
  • Mass gain: 5/5
  • Fat / water loss: 0/5
  • Side effects: 2/5
  • Conservation of gain: 3/5

Buy TuriGen MyoGen

Le TuriGen is a Anabolic Steroid used for mass gain and for an increase in strength. The TuriGen can also be used for a lean mass gain.


Facing strong competition that characterized the Olympic Games and national sports events, East German experts have begun to look for effective steroids that would bypass the anti-doping tests They opted for a methylated version of the 4-chlorotestosterone, also known as the Oral-Turinabol.

The Oral-Turinabol is often described as a product with properties midway between the Dianabol and Anavar, with moderate anabolic effects and slight side effects.

TuriGen has anabolic effects that are approximately the same or slightly higher than, those of Testosterone, with little or no androgenic activity.


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