Qomatropin HGH 100iu – HGH 10 x 10iu – Pharmaqo Labs


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Beltropin HGH growth hormone is specially designed for active users who wish to increase their physical performance . The recommended dosage for HGH Beltropin corresponds to a gain in muscle mass (Fitness model).

  • Laboratory: Pharmaqo,
  • Form: Injection,
  • Molecule: Somatropin,


Buy Qomatropin HGH 100iu – HGH 10 x 10iu – Pharmaqo Labs

The objectives are different according to the personal desires of the individuals, Pharmaqo wishes to simplify the use of growth hormones to achieve the objectives of each according to their choice.

Muscle gain with the use of Beltropin depends on several factors such as physical activity, genetics, diet, age, quality and quantity of sleep, lifestyle, and previous use of steroids or growth hormone.

A new user of Beltropin who is in good condition (exercises 3-5 times a week, sleeps at least 7 hours a night and eats protein-rich food) can expect a gain of between 15 and 20% in muscle mass in 4 to 5 months .
It may take a few weeks before you see the first results of the Beltropin treatment. Changes come gradually.

If Beltropin is taken every day, the likelihood of obtaining positive results improves. Results may vary by individual.


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