Halotestin – 5mg – 100tabs Hilma


Availability: In Stock
The moleculeHalotestin is Fluoxymesterolone which is mainly used by athletes looking to develop their strength rather than their muscles. Weightlifters and / or strength test specialists. This product is too often forgotten by bodybuilders who want to go to the classics, but it has its place in many treatments.
  • Laboratory: Hilma Biocare,
  • Form: Oral,
  • Molecule: Fluoxymesterone,
  • Concentration: 5mg / tabs,
  • Presentation: 100tabs
  • Recommended dosage: 20-40mg / day


  • Strength: 5/5
  • Mass gain: 1/5
  • Fat / water loss: 2/5
  • Side effects: 3/5
  • Conservation of gain: 3/5

Buy Halotestin Hilma Biocare

Halotestin Fluoxymesterone, commonly known as “Halo”, is among the most potent oral anabolic steroids available. Halotestin’s analysis shows that it is 20 times more anabolic and almost ten times more androgenic than testosterone. It is also more powerful than Anavar.
Although it was originally created for medical use to help boys with pubertal delay, it is now commonly used by strength athletes. The use of Halotestin leads to a fast increase in strength without weight gain caused by fluid retention. This happens because this compound has no estrogenic activity. Taking Halotestin also leads to increased energy and aggressiveness.

The use of Halotestin for bodybuilding is rampant. Bodybuilders use it as a hardener and steroid during a cutting period, but the side effects of Halotestin can harm them. The compound should be taken in moderation as it is toxic to the liver. Another negative effect of Halotestin is a fast increase in red blood cells in the body which has many harmful side effects.

To avoid the harmful effects of the steroid Halotestin, its dosage should not exceed 40 mg per day and it should not be taken for more than four weeks at a time. Some weightlifters and strength athletes take 10 mg of Halotestin before training and take the rest of their dosage during the day. It is a good strategy when the half-life of Halotestin is short lasting from six to eight hours.

Here is an example of a cycle involving Halotestin. We take 20 mg of Halotestin per day in combination with 20 mg of Cardarine and nine capsules of N2Guard. The correct application of this cycle and the understanding of the profile of Halotestin helps to avoid its harmful effects such as jaundice.


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